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Enjoy an exclusive yoga class surrounded by the waves, sun, and ocean breeze on “Odusseus A”. Great for yoga enthusiasts looking to take their practice to a unique and intimate setting on the Saronic gulf.

Let the rhythmic movement of the sea and the gentle sway of the boat enhance your yoga practice, as you find balance and harmony amidst the elements. Immerse yourself in the serenity of the Saronic Gulf, where the tranquil waters and breathtaking scenery create the perfect backdrop for mindful meditation and rejuvenation.

With each sun salutation and downward dog, feel a deep connection to the natural world and a sense of inner peace wash over you. Whether you're a seasoned yogi or new to the practice, our experienced instructors will guide you through a session tailored to your skill level and intentions. Elevate your yoga experience to new heights aboard "Odysseus A", where every breath becomes a celebration of the beauty that surrounds you.

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